
BestEcoToys always have a passion and love for conserving our beautiful mother earth since our early days. As a part of human society we help people to identify good natural toys and let them be aware of the Eco friendly toy zone that is available worldwide. We also motivate people to buy and use these environment friendly natural toys through sharing the best articles, pictures and reviews.
We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment
- Margret Mead

As the needs of the population increases the production of consumer products tends to grow on a massive scale. To fulfil our daily needs, we buy and use things made and packed with plastics which has been a greatest threat to our planet earth for many years. Our irresponsibility towards protecting the life and preserving the nature has led to countless extinction of species. As the years pass, we forget the quality of life and now we are deeply bonded with plastics and non-degradable products. 

Many places on earth almost lost the quality of the soil and its fertility due to over dumping of plastic based wastes. It remains a main cause for water scarcity as well. Being adapting to new fancy plastic toys has already buried our finest quality wooden, metal and linen toys. 
Why need to buy cheap plastics? You could get best quality natural toys to educate your children in an environment friendly way.
Most of us don’t like to be blamed because 90 percent of toys are made of plastics and due to its abundance in the market we buy. But why waste our time blaming capitalists, communists and politicians? Why not we shall act as a conservationist? If we do not act now we will soon be seeing our planet die. There is a chance to conserve our nature only if we show our consumer strength.
“It’s not yours, not mine, It’s Ours. So, protect your mother who nourishes you”
What a shame! We don’t have an advanced technology in Eco friendly materials. Teach your children the values of the environment and ecosystem. While our generation leaves the earth, our children should be proud of what we left for them. Or should they be proud of dumped plastics and wastes? Does it add more value?
We only have one home - David Bayliss

Let’s take pride in conserving our mother earth. 
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